Public Safety Communiqué

Public Safety Communiqué

Buddha Air has never compromised on safety issues throughout our last 27 years of operations and has continuously endeavored to learn and implement new systems and procedures in this regard.

We have been working toward achieving World Class Safety Standards, conducted an Independent Operational Safety Audit in conformity with the best available international operational safety standards on May 12th to 16th, 2014 by ICF SH&E Safety, London, UK.

Safety Management System is the core procedure to monitor, identify, mitigate and upgrade our safety standards and Buddha Air has instituted and implemented this new Department.

We have started issuing Public Safety Communiqués through a dedicated page in our website related to safety concerns and its mitigation so that our valued passengers can understand our endeavors.

Buddha Air’s Public Safety Communiqué No. 1

Please email immediately your safety concern to the following email address if you feel, see or hear and think it is a Safety Hazard involving Buddha Air and/or our Flight Operations. [email protected]

Buddha Air’s Public Safety Communiqué No. 2

The visibility requirement for Visual Flight Rule (VFR) airports where we operate is 5,000 metres standards and the visibility requirement for Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) airports varies based on the geographical structure.

We require alternate airport to operate any destination whether it is VFR or IFR. If the condition is Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) we require minimum three airports and at least one airport to be VFR if only two airports are open for landings, so that due to weather or other reasons even if two airports are closed while our aircraft is flying, we can land safely. During winter fog, cold wave and monsoon seasons these conditions are sometimes not met, therefore our flight schedules are revised or sometimes cancelled taking into consideration the Safety Issue.

We would like to bring this notice to our valued passengers and bear with us in these conditions as it is concerned with everyone’s safety.

Buddha Air’s Public Safety Communiqué No. 3 – Revised Flight Schedules 

Our endeavor from day one has been to operate “by the books” safe and comfortable fight operation. This was the reason to introduce ATR aircrafts in our fleet in September 2008. Pressurized aircrafts more than 45 seats are categorized for Scheduled Aviation and not General Aviation. ATR technology is sophisticated and need minute maintenance schedules. Sometimes during the course of flight some components fail, which need to be replaced from our spares inventory of more than USD 10 million. This cumulates in revised flight schedules.

Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport capacity is over saturated due to too many aircrafts operating and poor infrastructure. This is further complicated due to poor visibility due to weather, when the airport is closed for operations during winter foggy mornings, heavy rains and/or haze and air traffic control (ATC). We will not compromise on the pre-flight requirements before operating a flight to mitigate revision on flight schedules due to these reasons.

We believe in lean and sustainable operations, therefore it is not financially feasible to maintain extra aircrafts as standby to mitigate revise in flight schedules.

Therefore, due to safety reasons we revise the flight schedules.