A culture where the staff is not punished for actions, omissions, or decision taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training but where gross negligence, willful violations, and destructive acts are not tolerated.
Buddha Air is committed to operate according to the highest safety standards.
To achieve this goal, it is imperative to have uninhibited reporting of all accidents, incidents, events, hazards, risks and other information that may compromise the safe conduct of our operations.
To this end, all Buddha Air employees are responsible for, reporting any safety-related information.
1. Reporting is free of any form of reprisal. The main purpose of reporting is for risk control and accident and incident prevention, not the attribution of blame.
2. No action will be taken against any staff member who discloses a safety concern/information through the reporting system concerning unintended errors, unless such disclosure reveals, beyond any reasonable doubt, an illegal act, gross negligence, recklessness, deliberate or willful disregard of regulations or procedures, violations or sabotage which shall be subject to disciplinary action .
3. Our method for collecting, recording and disseminating safety information guarantees the protection to the extent permissible by law, of the identity of those who report safety information. The identity of any person making a report will not be disclosed unless required by law.
4. Buddha Air willprovideemployees full support during any external investigation by the police or judicial authorities following an Aviation related incident or accident.
Buddha Air wins because a Just Culture provides us with a level of confidence about what our real risks are because employees themselves are telling us what they are. We respect the concerns of those reporting and are prepared to receive bad news.
As an employee, you win because you can have confidence that you can report safety concerns without fear of retribution - even if those safety concerns will highlight mistakes or misjudgments that you have made.
In the end, we all benefit because there is greater clarity about where the line is between genuine error and negligent or reckless actions, i.e. between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Safety is one of our "Core" business functions and we should all contribute towards its management and therefore keeping our operational risks at an acceptable level at all times.
Reporting of safety issues is the best way you can contribute towards this objective. A Just Culture is therefore the best way to achieving a truly open reporting culture and is an extension towards our commitment to our safety policy.