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Tips for Passengers for Safe Flying in Monsoon
Tips for Airlines for Ensuring Safe Flight During Monsoon
Heavy rains in Nepal are likely to hit from June onwards and last till September. During the rainy season, doubts about flight safety are often on everyone’s mind. Flying during monsoon in Nepal is also challenging due to its unpredictable weather and high mountains and terrains. However, to ensure that the flights are operated safely, many factors need to be considered. Airlines are also cautious during this season and adhere to flight protocols provided by CAAN for flight safety. This detailed guide will enable you to thrive through the monsoon season.
Unexpected weather may cause the flight to delay therefore passengers should prepare themselves to be on the safe side by booking flights earlier. Booking flights early will not only help you to reach your destination on time, it will also help you save some money on the flight.
Most airlines' goal is to fly the passengers safely to the desired destination. Heavy rain falls, hailstones, thunderstorms may hinder the flight to take off hence during this time passengers should be understanding, patient, and wait for further instructions from the Airlines for further decision. Passengers should also try to understand that the delays of the flights are due to extreme weather conditions and air traffic control. These decisions are taken to ensure the safety of the passengers.
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Before the takeoff and landing, passengers should follow the instructions provided by the cabin crew to ensure safe flight. When boarding or in any emergency/urgent situation, please follow the flight attendants' instructions as they are specially trained to provide guidance and directions to ensure safety and follow proper procedures in any situation.
While planning to take a trip during monsoon, packing essentials for the flight is mandatory. Packing the essentials includes dry and comfortable clothes, waterproof accessories, skincare, umbrellas and first aid kits. These essentials can help the passengers to protect themselves and their belongings during the rainy season. As being soaked in unexpected rain may affect health wellness. Thus it is essential to pack these essentials.
Unpredictable rain during the monsoon will make any individual anxious. To ensure hassle free journey one must be prepared with flexible itineraries. Itinerary can help the individual to prepare themselves for any events in advance.
Flying in Nepal can be challenging due to the diverse geographical regions and altitudes. Nepal faces different seasons and weather conditions all year around. Pilots should be trained and experienced to be able to fly under different weather conditions from rainy days to night sky and maneuver the emergencies that may arise while flying the plane.
Aircraft and runway maintenance is crucial for safe flight. Airlines can ensure aircraft maintenance by inspecting and repairing its parts enabling it to operate smoothly. Runway maintenance also should be carried out on regular basis for safe landing and take off as well as to control air traffic.
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Before operating any flight during the rainy season, the airline should implement NextGen Weather Program for forecasting weather to ensure the path for the flight is clear to board. Enabling the flights to board safely and soundly without any hindrance. Proper weather forecasting and monitoring the flight can help in safe flight during the rainy season. As weather conditions are likely to affect the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system’s as well. Therefore, operation of flight after the thorough check will assist in mitigating the incidents even in the high altitudes of Nepal.
Flying during monsoon is challenging due to the rapid change in the weather condition. To overcome these challenges both the airlines and passengers play a crucial role. Thus to fly safely during the monsoon, airlines must adhere to the safety protocol of monsoon issued by CAAN as well as follow all the procedures required for maintenance of the aircraft. That being said, passengers should also be proactive and understanding during this season as the flights are likely to be rescheduled during the rainy season.
Flying in rain is not dangerous as the modern planes are specially designed to cope with these conditions however heavy rain may cause a problem in visibility. But before flying, airlines need to take all the preventive measures required before boarding the plane.
Modern planes are designed with advanced weather radar systems to tackle the weather condition. Hence yes, planes can fly in thunderstorms.
For planes to take off and land during rain, the airport management and airline ensures that the weather and ground are clear enough for flying the plane. Accordingly, planes take off in rain after ensuring it may not cause any danger to the aircraft and passengers.